About Jyske Realkredit

Jyske Realkredit A/S is a Danish mortgage credit institution that finances mortgage loans for personal and commercial customers’ purchases of real property.

Loans for real property are granted through Jyske Bank and subsequently financed through Jyske Realkredit. Financing is effected by issuing mortgage bonds, which are purchased by both Danish and international investors.

One of the ways to ensure the bondholders’ security is by building up strong shareholders’ equity and by focusing on risk management, which helps enable Jyske Realkredit to offer competitive housing finance.   

Read more about the organisation

Jyske Realkredit was until 2018 known as BRFkredit. BRFkredit was established in 1959 as an independent business foundation authorised to grant third-mortgage loans under the name "Byggeriets Realkreditfond", abbreviated BRF. 

In April 2014, BRFkredit entered into a strategic partnership with Jyske Bank and became the fourth largest financial institution in Denmark.

Read about the history of Jyske Realkredit

Read more about the Danish mortgage credit system
