
Management, Supervisory Board and auditors

Carsten Tirsbæk Madsen, CEO

Torben Hansen, Director

Anders Lund Hansen, Director

Supervisory Board of Jyske Realkredit A/S:
Niels Erik Jakobsen, Chairman
Lars Sandberg, Deputy Chairman
Morten Lykke
Peter Schleidt
Steen Brastrup Clasen, employee elected
Kim Henriksen, employee elected

Ernst & Young, godkendt revisionspartnerselskab, Frederiksberg


Organigram (in Danish)


Corporate Governance

With lending of more than DKK 315 billion, public interest in Jyske Realkredit is keen.

For that reason, although Jyske Realkredit is not a listed company, our Board of Directors has decided that Jyske Realkredit will follow the recommendations on corporate governance prepared by the Committee on Corporate Governance. A review of the recommendations on corporate governance is part of the Board’s plan for the year.

Jyske Realkredit A/S is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jyske Bank A/S. Consequently, some of the recommendations on corporate governance are not considered relevant to Jyske Realkredit.

The recommendations concerned are those on capital and share structure, general meetings and the promotion of active ownership, the use of proxies at general meetings, and procedures in connection with takeover bids.

Likewise, the recommendations on information on shares, options and warrants owned by board members are not relevant, as there is no access for the Board of Directors or the Executive Board to buy shares or derivatives in Jyske Realkredit.

On the whole, Jyske Realkredit follows the other recommendations.

The Jyske Bank Group's Governance and remuneration policy

Section on Corporate Governance in the annual report

Rules of Procedure of the nomination Committee (in Danish only)


Jyske Realkredit A/S is owned by Jyske Bank A/S

Jyske Realkredit A/S (formerly BRFkredit a/s) entered into a close strategic partnership with Jyske Bank in 2014.

Read the corporate announcement (PDF)

Read the Articles of Association of Jyske Realkredit A/S

