Covered Bond Label
Covered Bond Label is a voluntary initiative established in 2012 by European issuers in close consultation with investors, financial regulators and other stakeholders.
The Covered Bond Label Convention establishes the criteria required for a covered bond programme to qualify for the Label. This definition of the required characteristics is complemented by a transparency tool developed at national level.
The national Danish transparency template contains general information at group level about Jyske Realkredit a/s (previously BRFkredit a/s) as an issuer.
This information is supplemented with tables including information at cover pool level.
To be covered by ECBC’s (European Covered Bond Council) designation of a covered bond, Jyske Realkredit on a quarterly basis – along with the publication of accounting figures – publishes data on our capital and lending conditions based on the principles of the Danish national cooperation on transparency.
Mortgage bonds (ROs) and covered bonds (SDOs) issued from Jyske Realkredit’s Capital Centres B and E, respectively, meet ECBC’s definition of covered bonds.